Risk Management

Risks Mitigated. Rewards Magnified.
Whether you’re at the early stages of your business, seeking representation for a complex corporate issue or re-evaluating your organization’s trajectory, assessing risk and planning for the future is essential. Operational, reputational and structural challenges will arise that require expertise and knowledge beyond one’s business scope. Lori Keeton has extensive experience in evaluating your business’ challenges while offering sound counsel at every step to help businesses avoid future loss.
Businesses evolve both positively and negatively every day. It makes sense that their needs will likewise ebb and flow along the way. Lori Keeton Law offers individualized options for businesses that want to take an active part in mitigating their risks through their insurance choices, contracts, training, and daily operations.
Lori Keeton Law has the following packages in place to assist businesses with their risk analysis:
Focused Evaluation
For entities that have established operational procedures, documents, and preventative measures in place but are looking for assistance with “issue spotting” to determine present or potential vulnerabilities with regards to one specific piece of their larger risk management puzzle. These engagements are typically 2-3 hours in length aimed at providing legal insight as to a specific business concern. (Typical cost $1,000-2,000)
Operational Evaluation
For entities that have established operational procedures, documents, and preventative measures in place but wish to have an evaluation of their existing risk management processes to discover potential risks and liabilities. This evaluation results in an assessment of present vulnerabilities and a strategy for improvement. (Typical cost: $3,000-4,000 but varies depending upon scope of materials to be reviewed)
Comprehensive Evaluation
For entities that currently have no established operational procedures, documents, and preventative measures in place. Whether you are a new business or an existing one that has not yet invested in this facet of your business, this comprehensive option provides businesses with a legal analysis of insurance coverage options, basic contracts for use with vendors, customers and employees, model policies and procedures as well as suggested training materials to maximize the protections afforded to your business through your documents, policies and training. (Typical cost: $5,000-6,000 but varies depending upon materials to be drafted)
Additional Business Inquiries
Lori Keeton understands that business needs vary and there i no standard solution.. Iany businesses are not entirely sure where to start when it comes to the legal lens of risk-reduction and operational success. If you have a niche concern or request, please contact Lori Keeton Law so that we can begin the conversation towards relieving your business stress and limiting your future vulnerability.